

Benchmark settings of each project are set within its directory (e.g. Projects/MGSP) independently.

General setup

Most configurations regarding the simulation are set in settings.h.

Data structure related setup:
  • DOMAIN_BITS: the resolution of the background grid in each dimension, e.g. 8 refers to a 256 \times 256 \times 256 grid.
  • MAX_PPC: the maximum number of particles held within a cell.
  • g_bin_capacity: the number of particles in each particle bin.
  • g_max_particle_num: the maximum number of particles in each GPU.
  • g_max_active_block: the maximum number of blocks in each GPU. This affects the memory consumption of most important data structures (particles, grid, partition, etc).
Physical parameter setup:
  • g_gravity: the gravity constant.
  • MODEL_PPC: particle-per-cell for sampling particles from a SDF model. per-particle-volume is computed from this and the grid resolution.
  • DENSITY: the density constant of particles.
  • get_material_type(int did) -> material: the type of particles for each GPU. Assume each GPU handles only one category of particles.
Multi-GPU related setup:
  • g_device_num: the number of GPUs used.
  • get_domain(int did) -> domain: the spatial partition domain for each GPU. It can be set time-dependently.

Additional material setup

In particle_buffer.cuh, there are currently four types of particles supported. They are named JFluid, FixedCorotated, Sand, and NACC. Within each ParticleBuffer, there are various material-dependent constant parameters that could be configured.

Initial model setup

Initial particle models for all GPUs are set in the init_models function in


Multi-GPU scalability

The following shows the strong scalability of our multi-GPU pipeline.

_images/row_strong_speedup.jpg _images/row_strong_time.jpg

The following shows the weak scalability of our multi-GPU pipeline.

_images/row_weak_speedup.jpg _images/row_weak_time.jpg