
This is a cross-platform C++/CUDA cmake project. The minimum version requirement of CMake is 3.15, although the latest version is generally recommended. The recommended version of CUDA is 10.2.

Currently tested C++ compilers (as the host compiler for NVCC) on different platforms include:

platform Compilers
Windows msvc142, clang-9
Linux gcc8.4, clang-9

In short, the supported compilers should support C++14 standard and be in compliance with NVCC. Since the future releases of CUDA are officially excluded on Mac OS, and there is a more suitable candidate Metal developed by Apple, the Mac OS platform is not discussed.

External Dependencies

These libraries are very helpful in developing this project and save a lot of efforts:

  • CUB provides state-of-the-art, reusable software components for every layer of the CUDA programming model including many parallel primitives and utilities.
  • fmt is an open-source formatting library for C++.

These libraries are used for particle data IO and initialization:

  • partio is an open source C++ library for reading, writing and manipulating a variety of standard particle formats (GEO, BGEO, PTC, PDB, PDA).
  • SDFGen is a simple commandline utility to generate grid-based signed distance field (level set) from triangle meshes, using code from Robert Bridson’s website.

Build Commands

Run the following command in the root directory.

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . --config Release

The project can also be configured through other interfaces, e.g. using the CMake Tools extension in Visual Studio Code (recommended), in Visual Studio Studio, or in CMake GUI.